Hatching lovebird eggs

Most of the lovebird owners (Newbie) are really don't know when their lovebirds will lay eggs. Normally a female lovebird will start to lay eggs after 10 months of age. Breeding lovebirds is very EASY task for the lovebird breeders. But it is very difficult to find a new home for the young ones because the young ones can't be placed along with their parents for a long period.

The hatching period of lovebird eggs is usually 18-20 days of hatch. The clutch size would be 4-6 eggs. Both male and female will nest the eggs in a phased manner. It is not advisable to perform nest inspection because both the parents would be aggressive. If you're so keen to see the eggs, it always advisable to see the nest only after both parents are away from the nest.

If you want to hand feed the young chicks, it is advisable to pull hem out from the nest only after two weeks old.
For further information, please consult the following pages:
1. Menu For Your Weaned Lovebird Chicks
2. What do you Feed For the Peach-faced Lovebirds?

How to control feather plucking in lovebird


Have you ever noticed few missing feathers in the crests of wings or breasts of your lovebirds? Then, you should keenly watch your lovebirds for feather plucking. Although this falls under behavior and health, you should be carefully analyze the reason for feather plucking in lovebirds.

Initially feather plucking might have started innocently. But you should nib this problem in the bud itself. Otherwise it will cause your lovebirds complete bald. Then it is really difficult to bring back the colored feathers.

Feather picking among breeding pairs is a common phenomena. A hen lovebird will often clear few hairs on her belly, which is called as brood spot and also pluck few feathers from her mate's head as a mark of mating behavior among themselves.

The other reason for feather picking is hormonal issue. Lovebird pyoderma is the condition which occurs due to hormonal imbalance. If you're having a single lovebird, this is a major problem because it has no outlet for his/her energies.

Rule out the skin infection by examining the skin scraping on microscope. If they suffer from any skin infection- bacteria or fungus, immediately contact your avian veternarian to treat the condition.
Anxiety, frustration and boredom may also lead to feather plucking in lovebirds. There was lovebird which started to pluck its feather after fixing a photograph just in front of her cage. Removing the photograph solved the problem. Who knows what made that poor creature to get more anxious after seeing that particular photograph.


Find out the cause for the feather plucking and remove the same at the earliest possible time. Don't use styptic powder in the wound as it would aggravate the condition. Do use diluted betadine solution to clean the wound. More over, don't treat the lovebird on your own. Please do seek an appointment form your avian vet to completely get rid of this problem. ALL THE BEST!!!

Lovebird illness: Learn the Symptom of Lovebird Illness


Lovebird illness: Learn the Symptom of Lovebird Illness

Lovebirds are really skilled in hiding the symptoms of disease/illness because showing their illness in nature will help the predators to attack them. In order to have the best chance of saving the life of lovebirds, you should lookout for telltale symptoms of sick lovebird.

Early signs of lovebird illness include change in feeding habit, overly quiet, and fluffed feathers. Once your bird shows any of these symptoms, you should approach an avian vet as early as possible to avoid any untoward incident.

The symptoms of lovebird's illnesses are the sequel of some of the lovebird's diseases. Some of the common diseases/ conditions that pave way for sickness are enteritis, respiratory disorders, coccidiosis, intestinal influenza, egg drop syndrome, ticks, mites, internal parasites, bacterial and viral infection (avian pox, polyoma viral, etc), yeast infections (candidiasis) and infighting.

Once your lovebird have shown symptoms of running nose, reduced appetite, dull or watery eyes, sleeping in their enclosure with eyes closed, dull plumage, ruffled feathers cloudy eyes, and soiled vent, you may come to conclusion that your lovebird is going towards the sickness.

Some of the sick lovebirds love to stay near the feeding cup. Even falling from the perch, excessive scratching, sneezing, labored breathing, and tail bobbing are the final symptoms of lovebird illness.

As a responsible lovebird owner, once you found illness in your lovebird, an avian vet check should be the FIRST thing you do! It is always advisable to catch sicknesses first, to be safe than sorry, rather than realize it once it is beyond the reach of the vet.

Lovebirds in Your Garden


The Lovebirds

The Lovebirds

Lovebirds in Your Garden

Lovebirds are also ideal subjects for the garden. They need a secluded shelter in which to roost. Newly imported birds must spend their first winter in a minimum of 15 degrees celcius (59 F). In the summer, it is best to have nest boxes, where it is moister. In the winter, they should be placed in the shelter.

You can keep several pairs in a wooden aviary, as long as they are all placed in it together. Later, remove any surplus males or females. Two birds occupying a nest box are not necessarily a breeding pair; sometimes two males, or two females, pair up. As a rule, any superfluous birds sleep alone in a box. You can close up all the entrance holes in the dark, and in the morning discover where the isolated birds are. Of course, you must have enough boxes, all hung at the same height.

From four to six eggs are usual, incubated by the female for twenty-one to twenty-five days, depending on the species. The young leave the nest after four to six weeks and are fed, mainly by the male, for a further two weeks. Once they are independent, remove them, because they will cause problems when the parents breed again and maybe attacked by them.

Young birds mature at around ten months. You will always have more females than males. If you are keeping species together, hybridizing may occur. This is not recommended.


Do you know all the wild birds will mask signs of sickness as a way of existing? So, once your lovebird exhibits signs of ill health such as sitting at the cage floor, mucus from nostrils and soiled vent. You ought to take care your lovebirds at this situation.

You should consult an avian vet immediately. The healthy lovebirds should have smooth feathers, clear bright eyes, normal stools, clear bright eyes, a healthy appetite, eating throughout the day, normal level of activity and a clean vent.

Wings Trimming

Next step in caring lovebirds involve trimming of the wings. If you are an experienced bird handler, you may use wing-clipping scissors that are designed specifically for this application. Or trimming process should be performed by an avian vet to prevent any problems.

Nail trimming

Most of the lovebird owners may ask how to care my lovebird's nail. In wild, the lovebirds will trim their nails and beak with rough branches of trees. In the captive conditions, you should provide cuttle bones and bird perches of a variety of textures in order to keep its beak and toe nails in good shape. Too long nails may be trimmed with the help of bird clippers. Be careful while trimming the nails as you severe up to the vein.

Cage care for lovebirds

Weekly cleaning of birdcages should be advocated regularly. Washing the birdcage with birdcage cleaners also being advised. A mixture should be prepared by mixing 1 gallon of water and ¾ cup bleach to disinfect the cage. Replace the good old cage parts made up of wood or wooden toys and perches as they may get dirt with droppings.

Caring lovebirds involves allowing them to let out of their cage daily as they have a exhaust their excess energy by flying. The lovebirds should be allowed to fly after closing all windows and also switch off the ceiling fans. Even you can use a bird leash to have more control over the birds while it is flying.

How to tell the difference between males and females


Peach Face Lovebirds are sexually monomorphic, which means, the male and female
look alike sexually.

1. I have had many people telling me that a female lovebird is generally bigger in
size. A somewhat broader shoulder. And I also have another few that tell me that
the shape of their tail will tell their sexuality. I have a a pair of lovebird
and it so happens that the male looks a bit larger then the female. So I happen

mistake my male for a female for a while.

2. Furthermore, I have also heard that a female lovebird will shred papers, put
on its back and take it back to the nest. A male, however, will sometime try
doing the same and end up failing. Coincidentally, my female lovebird love
shredding papers but also fail to bring it back to the nest box.

3. In logical thinking, if you see a pair of lovebirds mating, you can rightfully
assumed that one is a male and the other a female, right? Wrong. I have read up
on a certain book that lovebird of the same sex might also go thru the mating

So can you imagine my feeling when I read that. Inside me I thought that I might
have a pair of same sex lovebirds. But all that change after a certain event. My
bird started to lay eggs. So that means I have a female. Perharps from somewhere
you might have hear before that two females can also get together and lay eggs.
Fortunately, only 1 of the bird is laying and the other is standing guard just
like what a male is suppose to.

So after rearing lovebirds for a while now, I have created some guidelines for
myself which can be use as a reference to determine the sex of a peach face

1. A female lovebird perch with its legs wider than a male lovebird. Although some
says that they do see a male lovebird perching wider than a female lovebird. In
this case, how I wish I can show the picture of my female lovebird to show exactly
how wide my female lovebird is actually perching.

2. Any lovebird that lay eggs, it is a guarantee that the lovebird is a female.

3. By feeling their pelvic bone but unless you are very experience. I will suggest
to not try this method. Because, both the male and female lovebird pelvic bone
will feel the same to you if aren't experience enough.

4. Get a short nail, tie its head to a thread, hold the lovebird upside down and
hang the tip of the nail near the part where it poop while you hold on the end
of the thread. It should look like you are somewhat holding a pendulum above the
lovebird. Make sure the nail is not swinging about. Wait for a few seconds, if
the nail start swinging in circles, the lovebird is a male. However, if the nail
start swinging from left to right and right to left, you have got a male!

5. Last but not least, the most guaranteed way. A DNA test.

lovebird part 3......

sambungan cerita lovebird part 3.................jom layan.

macam semua o.k x

LOve........My LOve bird


Sedikit cerita tentang perkembangan burung peliharaan saya.........lama dah upload new story tentang burung koleksi saya...maklum sibuk sedikit kebelakang ini...

perkembangan tentang anak lovebird yang semakin membesar dan boleh terbang pun

Isabel peach-faced sold out

telah dijual.

Isabel peach-Faced Lovebird for sell


Ready for sell Isabel peach-Faced and Pastel Peach-faced lovebird ...
please contact or sms for price..........

Jenis-jenis rumah burung yang moden/ type of avaries home

Rumah burung yang baik memainkan peranan penting dalam proses pembiakan burung dan kesihatan burung.....beberapa contoh rumah burung yang unik dan menarik........

mana satu pilihan anda?????

Get to know lovebird

Lovebirds, the second smallest species of parrots are considered to be a best hobby in this world. There is a need to know about the pet lovebirds, different things they perform, and what to do if it becomes sick.

Healthy Signs of Pet Lovebird
  • Active and alert.
  • Eats through out the day.
  • Smooth and clean feathers
  • Clear and bright eyes.
  • Droppings with no change in consistency.
These high energy birds do require excess space to spend the excess energy. Good bit of chirping is noticed in most of the lovebirds. As they're not good cuddlers or talkers, they can't be trained for talking. But basic tricks can be taught easily.

Masked Lovebird


Distribution and Habitat:

Masked Lovebirds aka Black-masked Lovebirds (Agapornis Personatus) are small, stocky African parrots that are native to the inland plateaus of northern and central Tanzania in light brushwood and trees. Some flocks can also be found in north-east Kenya and in the coastal areas of Tanzania.

Lovebirds are social creatures that form small nesting colonies in the wild. In captivity, they do best in an aviary setting. They are not happy in solitary confinement situations. They either need plenty of human attention or a mate.

Black-masked lovebirds, and the many color variations that have been produced in captivity, are very popular in the pet trade and are now some of the most common pet birds in America and Europe.

Description (Normal Green Masked Lovebird):

Masked lovebirds average 6 inches or 14.5 cm in length. The naturally occurring masked lovebirds have a green body color. The head is mostly black and the color of its plumage is except for a few highlights green with a yellow collar. However, other mutations -- specifically blue and yellow -- have been bred in captivity.

  • Sexing / Gender Identification: The sexes are similar in appearance - although hens are usually larger in size, and may have a smaller, more rounded head.

  • Plumage:
    • The body, abdomen and under-tail coverts of the normal / naturally-occurring black-masked lovebirds are yellowish–green. The rump is greyish blue.
    • The under-wing coverts are grey-blue. The upperside of the wings is dark green, the underside is lighter. The flight feathers are black.
    • The forehead, lores (the regions between the eyes and bill on the side of a bird's head), cheeks and the part under the bill is brown-black. The back of head is a dirty olive.
    • The breast and one part of throat is yellow. On most of them orange-red feathers can be seen on the upper chest.
    • The tail is green and the outer tail feathers are edged with an orange-yellow band.

  • Eyes: White ring encircles both eyes. The iris is brown.

  • Beak is red

  • Legs and feet are grey

Besides the normal green coloration, there are several attactive mutations:

  • blue-mutation (referred to as "Blue Masked Lovebirds - blue describing the body color, rather than the mask color. The mask is black - as it is in the normal green color)
  • yellow
  • albino
  • Click here for Black-masked Mutations / Colors

Blue-masked Lovebird


The Masked Lovebirds, also referred to as the "Eye-rings" by many breeders, are simply visually spectacular and fun aviary occupants. They are just as curious and clowny as the other lovebird species that I know of.

A colony of lovebirds can be noisy though. This needs to be taken into consideration when deciding on populating your aviary -- especially when your neighbors are close-by. If noise is an issue, it may be better to stick with finches, grass keets and canaries.

They are easy to care for and breed and, therefore, are readily available and several very attractive color mutations have been produced in captivity


The black-masked lovebirds are quite popular as companion birds. They are friendly and sociable - but need the companionship of a mate or partner. Couples can be seen grooming and feeding each other. It's very endearing and fun to watch.

Younger parrots are easier to tame, although given time and attention, the vast majority of older birds will eventually gain trust and overcome their fear of humans.

In a cage of medium size, the birds can be put together in pairs or on their own. Taming is easier if the birds are kept alone. There have to be enough rungs in a cage so the birds can move around freely and keep themselves amused. One may occasionally offer them willow twigs to amuse themselves while nibbling. In nature they live in habitats surrounded with water, so it is necessary to provide them with more bathing facilities than for other parrots

If kept alone, they require a lot of attention from the owner to make up for the lack of a cage mate. Unless you have a lot of time to give, this is not recommended. If ignored, they are likely to turn aggressive and neurotic, as many parrots will.

Lovebirds, in general, can be aggressive to birds outside their own family group. Care is to be taken when introducing new birds into the area.

Unlike some parrots, lovebirds don't imitate human speech.

Their life span is generally about 15 years or longer.

Masked LovebirdsTraining and Behavioral Guidance:

Lovebirds are pretty easy to manage for most people. They are not as destructive and noisy as their larger cousins. If not properly socialized, however, they will discover their beaks as method of "disciplining us".

It really is important to learn to understand them and to guide their behavior before an undesirable behavior has been established. There are few things to consider ...

  • Biting: If not properly socialized, however, they will discover their beaks as method of "disciplining us". They can be very aggressive towards other animals (including birds), if they don't know them or are jealous of the attention they are getting from their favorite human.

  • Noise: Lovebirds are very vocal birds, making loud, high-pitched noises that can be a nuisance. They make noise all day, but especially at certain times of day.

  • Chewing: As stated above, lovebirds are also very active, and love to chew things. When they are let out of their cage, it would be wise to watch them carefully, and protect any furniture, electrical wiring or anything else that they could possibly chew on. They are not big chewers - as their preferred medium is "paper."

  • Paper: They love to tear up paper -- especially when they are in the "mating" spirit -- which is all-year-round for birds kept indoors (not exposed to the seasons). I have learned not to keep important papers laying around - and even use it as a way to keep my lovebird busy.

Training and behavioral guidance is recommended ...

  • AvianWeb Resources: I put together web resources for you to help you understand your pet bird and properly direct him. Please visit this website for valuable tips on parrot behavior and training. If you found a way to resolve a "parrot behavioral issue" please share it with others.

  • If you are, as I am, a visual learner and prefer step-by-step instructions to train your pet, I recommend:
    • the Parrot Training Course to teach your parrot to:
      • Stop Biting
      • Perform Tricks &
      • Tame ANY SIZE bird you could possibly own
    • and/or try the "Teach Your Parrot to Talk" Training Course. (Note: lovebirds rarely learn to talk, but there is a chance they may learn to mimic human speech if taught to at a young age.)

If you are considering a conure as a pet, the following web resources might be of interest:


Black-masked lovebirds can start breeding when they are as young as ten months of age and may continue until they are five to six years. They are very prolific and may produce several egg clutches within a single year. Due to this, they are usually readily available on the pet market.

During breeding season the behavior between partners will change: the male displays a more aggressive behavior, while the female begins preparing the nest. There are specific nesting boxes for lovebird-size birds, but if not available a cockatiel nesting box will do just fine. Click here for nesting boxes.

The nests are almost entirely made by the females and the three to six eggs are incubated for about twenty-three days. The hatchlings will be cared for by the female until they leave the nest at about six weeks of age. The father then takes over the feeding of the young birds for another two weeks or so until they are weaned.

  • For more information on breeding lovebirds, please click here.


Lovebirds should be fed a quality seed mix, in addition to providing them with vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals. Bird-specific vitamins are available at the vets or better pet stores.

  • Please click here for more information on nutritional requirements.

Peach-faced lovebird...


The Peach-faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis) is endemic to South-west Africa, and is commonly seen in large flocks of 20 to 30. However, there are sizable feral populations in Phoenix, Arizona - which has as a similar climate. They are known to nest in palm trees and saguaro cacti.

This is probably the best-known and most popular lovebird species here in the U.S. and maybe worldwide.

Peachfaced Lovebird - Lutino MutationThey have a fun personality and are easier to tame than most lovebirds (please refer to the "Lovebird as Pet" website for information). Their intelligence is equivalent to that of larger parrots - although most never learn to talk, but are able to mimic and imitate noises and whistles. They are known to be aggressive with other birds (and even other pets, much larger than themselves!). Lovebirds may pack the personality of the larger parrot, but due to their small size they require less space and are less noisy or messy than the larger species.

Peachface Lovebirds may live over 20 years, provided they are provided with the nutrition and care they need.


A small parrot, the average adult Peach Faced Lovebird measures 15cm long. Since the Peachface Lovebird is so popular in aviculture, numerous color mutations have arisen, including: Creminos, Lutinos, Orange-faced, Pieds, Fallows, Whitefaced, Violets and Cinnamons. The original Peacface colored lovebird has a green plumage, a peach-colored face, a blue rump, gray feet and a horn-colored bill.

Both males and females look alike. There are some visual signs that an experienced breeder may use to identify the sex of a lovebird -- but they are most certainly not 100% accurate.

  • Many beautiful color mutations have occurred in captivity. Please check out these photos.

Feral Lovebird Family

Antara koleksi-koleksi lovebird saya.....boleh lah kita berkongsi maklumat


menetas 1 syawal baru ni...........ada 2 lagi tu belum menetas.....ada rezeki menetas lagi.

ada lagi


mintak maaf semua.......................kerana baru ada masa untuk post.......gambar terbaru di reban burung saya ini...jom layan


selamat hari raya belum terlambat lagi diucapkan.......baru ada free sikit untuk post gambar terbaru di reban saya ini............ini adalah koleksi lovebird saya yang ada seramai 20 ekor...tambah ada anak baru menetas..4 ekor...hari raya baru ini....

koleksi diomond dove saya....



Antara tempat breeding saya...........jom melawat
